Hey, Dirk here!

I'm a IT System Engineer & Developer based in South Germany. On the side, I create YouTube videos and Podcasts.
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My name is Dirk Meyer. My passion is the development of user-friendly websites and apps. Hey, I'm Dirk Meyer! I live in the beautiful Black Forest. My curiosity for computers started at a young age, which naturally led me to pursue a career in technology. I have been working as an IT system engineer and developer for many years now. Alongside my work as a I run a YouTube channel where I share insights into urban exploring, sports, technology and all things computer related! When I'm not at my desk, I'm usually running, cycling, swimming or hanging out with my family!

Contact me

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, please feel free to send me a message. I try to answer all requests promptly.
The initial consultation is free of charge.

Please direct your request to kontakt@dirkgm.de. For encrypted messages, please use the following key Public.asc